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Safety & Skills Reviews

Safety & Skills Reviews help to ensure the safety of our members and equipment. All members at ARC start at level 0 and take a checkout to advance to further levels. This allows rowers to utilize more advanced equipment. Level 0 members are only permitted on the water under the supervision of an ARC coach.

In order to sign up for a checkout, click the link on the right and find a checkout time that works for you. The water test should take no longer than 30 minutes and 3 members can test at the same time. If a 1-hour session has less than 3 members the tests may be rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

After passing the water test you will need to contact our check outs monitor at and they will email you a written test.

Upon successful completion of both your water test and written test, you will be notified and added to the Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 membership group.